November 10, 2009

Melbourne, Indian, Me

I dont know what I am writing now... I dont know what happen to me recently... Did Melbourne really changes me?? I dont know too... Maybe, like what my friend said... Melbourne really can changes someone and it really did... It changes me... I am lost... I cant find myself... I dont know what I'm thinking... I dont know what I'm doing... I dont know what I am... I am confuse... Confuse with everything that is happening around me right now... Everything seems to be so unpredictable... Everything happen far beyond my expectation... Being who I am maybe is not what I want but this is my life... Life where no one can actually understand... When I told my friend bout it, I dont even know whether they really understand or not... For the time being, I just want to be alone... Maybe, it's time for me being lonely for now... I dont know why... I just wanna stay still, stay cool, stay alone in my room... Maybe people will think that I am crazy... Where we should be enjoying life with friends while we can but at this very moment, I really dont feel like talking... Or do anything... I just want to be a lazy girl... Lying on my bed... Imagining things that never will happen to me... Melbourne is a nice place with nice people but I dont know why most people dont like Indians... Telling ya all the truth, I like Indians... No matter they are like what people say like smelly, annoying, like monkeys... But I still like them... Not all Indians are same like what people say... When u come to them and try to understand them, U will find out that they are good, kind, nice, interesting... And maybe they are actually much better than u guys who thinks that they are under u all... I hate when people ask me why I like Indians... I like Indian or not I guess it's my problem... Why people like to ask me such question?? There is no reason behind that... I just feel comfortable with them... Is that wrong?? I just wanted to know more friends... That's all... Please never say u hate Indians in front of me or I will never ever talk to u again... I ever had an Indian family as my neighbour back then when I am still staying in Kuching... And for your information, we spent lots of time together, eating, playing, chit chat... We always went out together... We spent lots of things together... They are my first Indian friends and I like them... And until now, I still like them... Maybe not all Indians are good and friendly and kind... But mostly, who I knew, they are different... They are good, kind, caring, friendly... Dont be so racist... Maybe one day when u are having problems, they are the one who can help u... Be friends with everyone, anyone... Now, I am staying with Indian family in Melbourne... And I feel comfortable with them... I like them... Being in such nice family, I am really happy... For those who dont like Indian, come tell me whats the reason cause I dont found any reason that u should hate them... And I am proud to say I like Indian...

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